Friday, 8 February 2013

15 year old invents New Method of Diagnosing Cancer

Jack Andraka is a fifteen year old freshman in high school. He developed a paper sensor that could detect pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer in five minutes for as little as 3 cents. He conducted his research at John Hopkins University. This research could change the face of cancer and promote early detection. To think that scientists spending millions of dollars to find more about cancer, a 15 year old finds out by doing a science fair project!
“There are millions more like me out there...” -Jack Andraka

Jack's method is 168 times FASTER, 26000 times CHEAPER, 400 times MORE SENSITIVE, has 90% SUCCESS RATE. He has been selected as the Intel 2012 ISEF winner and has won awards at multiple national and international math competitions. Jack is on the national junior whitewater kayaking team and enjoys playing with his dog and folding origami.


  1. That's it? There is no link to additional information about this? There's nothing to substantiate it nor further information to read about it? The only link you give is to a conspiracy theory site? Really? That's unfortunate.

    1. If you google his name a lot more information comes up.

    2. And which FDA agency or big pharmaceutical group do you work for that you would try and undermine this story? Sounds like you folks should be very afraid of the new competition!

    3. uh.. click the video and hit play.. It is quite informative.

    4. Ah yes, it was a major news story - but my mind can't comprehend it. So its a conspiracy!!!!!

      People like you make me laugh my ass off... Keep living in your little box.

    5. Now I suppose it is for someone to discredit the young man and stop the idea so that we ( the Plebes ) can keep being charged the insane prices in the medical world.
      Same happened with peptic ulcers a few years ago. Killed a billion + dollar industry. ( For anyone who does not understand this, it is meant in sarcasm.)
      Thank goodness for someone trying to make a break through.

    6. Read the report in the meaningfulretreats web site and you will see that we are just following the conspirators like lambs....and read "Water Peroxide..The miracle healer" to know how a $1.00 "medication" can cure practically everything but nobody on the medical field wants to talk about....

  2. was major news story 2-3 months ago. Google it.

  3. The video explains his process. It's a paper sensor that detects pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer.

  4. The TED video above is pretty legit.

  5. ^WOW, you seemed to miss half the point, person above me. Use GOOGLE and find more information about Jack and his research. But thank you for letting us know you are not one of the "millions more". Here is your sign. :P

  6. "Duck face" and "instagram"...LOL
    really great.Wish you all the best.Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

  7. Cool. Great work kid. I'm working on a Universal prototype that can act as a Universal hybrid for all modern and post modern cars. Less fuel expenditure, less carbon emissions. Think I'll persuade the Gov't to scheme it into some finance plan so everyone can get it.

    Its got a strong message to it. 'Don't let Antarctica rise by 3 degrees or we're all f*cked.' : )

  8. wow keep up the good work

  9. It won't be coming to market because no one can make any money off of it.

  10. Its already been patented, and bought by Iran.

  11. wow thats great if its work..

  12. This is awesome but now he needs to take it to the next step and find a way to prevent anyone from getting cancer.

  13. If We are able to combine this method with Suppressed!!!??? Various Natural Cures (ex: Cannabis Oil!), We no longer have cancers on on Gaia!

    Light, Peace and Love for All Life on Gaia!

  14. how come no one is pursuing Jack 's paper cancer big companies !!!! I mean HELLO a chances for early detection at low cost

  15. This is bullshit. I'm not saying that this kid knows nothing about the chemistry involving diagnostics, but as a biomedical technician I am very aware of the science involved in setting up a diagnostic test for diseases like the different kinds of cancer.

    First of all, I am missing any reference to the techniques used. Is it a biochemical test? Or is it based on genetics? And by what means is it detected? All i am hearing is a so-called paper sensor and the use of nanotubes labeled with anti-bodies against proteins which are presumebly involved in the transformation from a normal cell to a cancer cell (again, where is the science?).

    Second, is the research performed by this kid a follow-up of a previous research wherein a animal model has proved the actual workings of the underlying biochemical interaction or genetic interaction that occurs in the cell which are changed during the transformation from a normal cell to a cancer cell?

    And last, but not least, I am missing any reference or any other way to actually verify that his method proves to be the best new method to diagnose the different kinds of cancer.
    All I am reading is a nice film of some kid who has probably done some exceedingly research which perhaps in the future actually can be used in diagnostics.

    Anyone can come up with a statement like this one. What matters is wether the statement actually proves to be truthfully and frankly, I don't believe any statement about this article.
    And before any idiot starts asking, NO I am not working at any pharmaceutical company or whatsoever. At the moment I am unemployed. The thing is, I really hate statements that are made by people who are not even working or have an education in my field of expertise, but somehow have the arrogance or perhaps it is just pure naivety to actually make a statement on something which has almost no sense of truth in it.

    1. This is how it works, people having done long studies can't accept things that don't fit with what they've been told during many years.
      If you were a lil bit more aware about ho it goes you would know who payd for your studies, who were teaching you science, what was the purpose. I was a scientist, and I stoped all that bullshit after an argument with my superior that had the final word on a study that should have been done but didn't fit with what was expected of us.
      People nowadays think science is all good, progress, but what it actualy did is increasing the dependance of humanity.

    2. If you are unemployed I suspect is because you are not that good and now you try to vent your frustration on a young kid doing better than you, plus he will be forever remembered unlike you, jealousy is a female dog!

    3. Well, if you read what the Smithsonian has to say on it, it sounds like your objections are answered.

    4. and i suppose cancer markers don't count as detectors...i believe those are ordinary proteins you need elaborate methods to detect.I just wonder what you are going on about...i thought scientists were people who saw possibilities.Well not to say, there is also this group i believe they are called technicians who are ardent practitioners of available methodology and are belligerent opposers of new methods, till the next big discovery comes from a SCIENTIST...the kid is obviously a scientist, you i wonder what you are

  16. Halbe pls get a life, u unemployed ninkapoop....

  17. Wow, Halbe, talk about arrogance. The kid did his research and testing at Johns Hopkins, ffs! But THAT'S not good enough for you because it's your field of expertise and he what - didn't hit you up for advice so you could try to claim a credit on his work? It's just a guess but I imagine that there are plenty of technicians, researchers and scientists in your field of expertise over at JH that were overseeing his work and managed just fine without your input. I don't know why you're unemployed but you might want to consider an attitude adjustment before your next interview. It might even help.

  18. OK where can I find the litmus paper that detects lung cancer. I'd like to know the worst. I'd ask my dog but sadly I haven't got a dog.

    The AMA has been blocking treatments for years which might (or might not) be developed into something effective and cling on to expensive, debilitating ways of destroying tumors; although now they're onto some sort of new therapy at Sloan Kettering which targets specific cells only. It's about time I say - how many years and scientists and money does it take to make a breakthrough I'd like to know? I've given up expecting anything from them.

    A new generation is open to new approaches and they haven't an investment in chemo and radio so why not? I WANT TO DO A TEST NOW!

  19. Where can I find publications on his method. His clinical trials. The way in which the test proved to be effective. Think of the thousands of people without any of these cancers who had to test negative before finding a positive. How was a positive test proven. Were the patients opened up and a search for the minute cancer cells done visually? If it couldn't be founed with CT or MR, was the patient followed until it was diagnosable? If was ovarian, were the women subjected to bilateral oophorectomy without proof and did the pathology demonstrate ovarian cancer in the specimens? There are already some tests which predict the preesence of cancer but they are not used as screening tests because of the dilemma of a positive test and no sign of the tumor. Reference the PSA. Yes, some lives were undoubtedly saved and hundreds of thousands subjected to unnecessary and life changing surgery. I can't believe that Johns Hopkins would be party to such. If he did anything, it should be exposed to the light of scientific thinking. Oh, and don't forget the unstable person who is told he/she has a positive test for the cancer but it can't be found. Remember your enthusiasm when that patient goes home and commits suicide because of their unwillingness to accept the fact of a positive test and an uncertain future. You really have to do it to understand it.

  20. Halbe, you are clearly frustrated. Please learn to spell properly before citing your genius and is counting that of others. Attitude adjustment AND spelling course required before any credibility kicks in. As a parent of a cancer surviving 8 year old, I am delighted that young people with such amazing intelligence AND ambition are out there. No complaints, all praise & prayers for medical community to embrace this kind of intelligence & determination.

  21. very nice video
    good inspiration ...

  22. Genius!!!!!!
    had 2 believe though that this technique hadnt been found before! :-/
