Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes


  1. I hope all the silenced the world really perceived the depth of the item.

  2. A child leading lecturing the adults...
    They are sitting astonished from her speech...
    Are they going to apply what she said?
    or it is just phrases in the air...!!!

  3. The most personal video.
    The world should all watch and learn

  4. We need someone like this Brave Girl
    To chant about 'Armenian Genocide'
    Awaking all people from their political sickness
    Of acting against a race...suffered so much
    Yet still remains their pains unrecognized
    By Presidents, M.P's, Congressmen
    Those at the end must sigh...After playing political games...on Artful Honest Race
    Without applying Sevres treaty of France of August-September 1920...!

  5. All so true..the leaders of the world forgot that speech in as long as it took her to deliver it...this planet is fucked!

  6. bkeville@yahoo.com13 February 2013 at 08:36

    Amazing Truth. Children are teaching their parents! Stop, Listen and "Be the Change you wish to see in the world." It starts with us. One World. We have to save Mother Nature.

  7. bkeville@yahoo.com13 February 2013 at 08:41

    Listen to your children. They are teaching their parents. We have to save Mother Earth. We have to all "Be the change we wish to see in the world."
