Friday, 8 February 2013

your world is an illusion.

your world is an illusion. From the day you were born, you have been conditioned. Your schools taught you to be quiet, neutral and numb. Your media desensitized you to the suffering of your fellow human beings and the system slowly isolated you until it somehow felt normal to feel alone on a planet with 8 billion other people on it. You worked hard for the future with your reward always just around the next corner or just up the next step. Everything was tomorrow but tomorrow never came. And you realized too late that you had never lived at all. Something was missing and no matter how much you worked, partied or paid you could not disguise it. You accepted it as natural for one to be wealthy whilst another is poor, or the absurd notion that we must pay back the debt of our own existence. We traded community culture for corporate comfort and our most precious resource, our time, as a commodity. We need to move beyond revolution and into the next stage of human evolution. A time marked by unparalleled compassion and peaceful co-existence. The shape of which we can not foresee as it must be created together. We will take no power back as we shall empower ourselves and we shall say: We are the humans. We are awake now. We reclaim our destiny."  


  1. Why do you think that universities destroy knowledge?

  2. "Your schools taught you to be quiet, neutral and numb." Not MY school and it was a public school.

    "You accepted it as natural for one to be wealthy whilst another is poor" Nope. Never have - Never will.

    "A time marked by unparalleled compassion and peaceful co-existence." So the hippies didn't die for nothing, eh?

    What a load of "eau debologna" this is! Any real ideas as to what actually do? Or just be loving? WOW The Hippies made it further than this. Maybe this is written by an american with no idea about the rest of the world? It just seems so... hollow! But then again, you don't seem to aknowledge the value of the voting system. Nor is there any aknowledge ment of the educational system. Meanwhile we rip each other apart here, while the rightwing privatizes the educational system everywhere. a Public school is meant to teach you the basics. Yet, most who write these "revolutionary" messages, don't even seem to be able to write a whole letter, without using word-correction.

    What we need to do, is to get back to school learn to spell and not rely on computers for everything, make up your own damn mind - VOTE!!! and come up with some serious plans. FFS -read "The Shock Doctrine" to see just HOW speculative and callous they are in Milton Friedmans thinktanks. They are the ones behind our greatest concerns. They drive profit from the suffering of human beings for money. They knew what they were doing. They know what they are doing- and they are going to do it again. And while you're banthering away about metasociety should hug more (without you actually hugging more!), they are RAPING the system. they are against the system that we all created to help each other. THey are driving us back to the dark ages. Find the 1 % talk to them. and for FUCKS sake: VOTE! If ALL the 99% actually read up on what bush was doing, as opposed to Obama, they'd know that voting helps. And if 99% of world voted for good leaders, then we would actually be able to set up some regulations against the corporate crimelords. Then we'd actually be able to lessen the gab between poor and rich. But it takes eternal vigilance. And a keen eye on the mischiefs of the "neoliberal" thinktanks.

    1. Negative. Negative. Negative.
      Voting actually does nothing. You vote for the electoral college, who then DECIDES who the president is. Voting only matters on a more localized level. Now I learned that in school, so I agree that we should be in school. I just think our methods of teaching need to be changed.

    2. "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge" - Stephen Hawkins

    3. very stupid reply Michael, you need to do more research on the true nature of your reality and your self to udnrestand this article. Undrestand how your sub conciouse, pineal galand and your conciouse mind operate and how they interact and are programed then you will understand. if your happy with the current world, not just your life world as a whole then there your infected by the system and its propaganda machine, if your not happy then ask your self why not, why is it like this, who is responsible, why dont they change it as this style of monetary system/government has had alot more negative effect than positive.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Un less you're padding some lobbyists pockets , your vote is just an illusion to make you feel better in the morning after the government screws us all for proffit. Maybe you should read a little more often and quit watching the news. @ michael

  5. hahaha voteing is worthless if the people you are voting in dont give a shit about you.. wake up
